PP፣ EVA፣ EVOH፣ PS እና PE ባለብዙ ንብርብር ሉህ የጋራ ኤክስትራክሽን መስመር
To meet market's high request on products, Shanghai JWELL develops advanced
technology of five layer symmetrical distribution and
seven layer asymmetrical distribution, which makes the sheets having betterbarrier performance.
PP/ኢቫ/ኢቮህ/ኢቫ/ፒፒ አምስት ወይም ሰባት ባለ ብዙ ሽፋን አብሮ መውጣት ከፍተኛ ማገጃ ትኩስ ማቆያ ሉህ
has the excellent anti-oxygen and anti-humidity features. It is one of the best
barrier packing materials.Mainly used for Jelly
ማሸግ, የስጋ ማሸግ, መክሰስ የምግብ ማሸግ, መድሃኒት እና የመዋቢያ ማሸግ እና የመሳሰሉት.